Objective vs. Subjective Injuries: Examples and Definitions
Injuries caused by the negligent act of someone else can lead to debilitative, lifelong pain. If you or someone you love has been injured by the negligent acts of someone else, contact Morales Injury Law and preserve your right to a full and fair compensation.
Objective vs. Subjective Injuries
We cannot stress this enough; ALL INJURIES ARE OBJECTIVE!
Grab a banana, hold on to both sides, and break it in half. You will be able to see tears in the banana’s flesh. There will likely be bits and pieces of the inside of the banana oozing out of those tears, and you might even see some juices flowing. Gross image, right?
If you’re involved in a car accident and break a bone, nobody will be able to deny that you have suffered an injury. Bone fractures can result in the bone piercing the skin (open fracture), which would of course result in blood escaping your body. If there is no bone piercing through the skin (closed fracture), the fracture would show up clearly on an x-ray.
What are Subjective Injuries?
What about injuries that aren’t so obvious? Let us introduce you to an insurance companies’ favorite term; “subjective injuries.”
Subjective injuries is a term used by the insurance companies in their never ending quest to screw you out of a full and fair recovery.
Let’s forget about our banana for now and replace it with a person. When a person is involved in an accident and does not break anything, can they still be injured? Of course they can. An injury can be completely internal and essentially invisible to the naked eye.
An Example of What Insurance Companies Call a “Subjective Injury”
However, this does not mean that the person is not injured, or that their pain is somehow lessened because there is no visible break. Take for instance, a herniated disc. (A quick detour: Your spine is made up of bones separated by “discs” made up of cartilage and a gelatin-like core. A herniated disc is when one of those discs “slips” out of alignment, causing pain due to the millions of nerves running up and down the spine.)
From the outside, we can’t usually see a herniated disc. This is what insurance companies love calling a subjective injury because, according to them, we can’t see it. What insurance companies refuse to accept is that, yes, we can see the injury.
Why All Injuries Are Objective
A Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a tool used by doctors to take images of an injured spine. Through the results of an MRI, we can see a herniated disc.
What happens if the herniated disc isn’t visible in an MRI? Do we just give up and abandon your case? Absolutely not. We can “see” your injuries from the multiple tests conducted by MD’s, physical therapists, chiropractors, or any other type of treating provider.
How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Protect You
Don’t let an insurance company scam their way out of giving you the full compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one has been injured by the actions of another, you need to act fast to preserve your right to full and fair compensation. Insurance companies work hard and fast to limit your recovery. At Morales Injury Law, we work harder. Call or text today to schedule your FREE consultation.